Monday, February 22, 2016

This political cartoon is about the Annexation of Hawaii. The Annexation of Hawaii was when America took Hawaii by force. They did not purchase it like the purchase of Alaska where they bought the territory from someone who was selling. America overthrew the queen of Hawaii and took control. Then, a couple months later they were annexed by America. The issue of this cartoon is that  America is just taking the territory without anyone's permission. A technique that is being portrayed in this political cartoon is exaggeration. Uncle Sam is so much bigger than the counties and territories he is surrounded by. Another one is labeling. They are labeling the countries like Cuba. 

This political cartoon is about Panama Canal.  The Panama Canal is when America wanted to ship and sell products faster. So instead of the ship going all the way South America, they went through it. But at first, South America did not let there be a canal. America built it by force. The issue of this cartoon is that America is not letting anyone see what really happened. One technique used in this cartoon is exaggeration. The egg and chicken couldn’t posily be that huge. Another technique used is analogy. They are comparing the truth to a chicken in an egg. 

This political cartoon is about the Roosevelt Corollary. The Roosevelt Corollary was when America said that they can intervene with Columbian affairs if they need help. The issue of this cartoon is that President Roosevelt it using Columbia for their own uses. This cartoon is portraying Theodore Roosevelt in a bad way and is showing the dark side of him. One technique used in this political cartoon is exaggeration. They showed Roosevelt as a really big person throwing a pile of dirt on Colombia, which looks really small. Another technique is symbolism. The symbolism in this cartoon is the shovel in Theodore Roosevelt’s hand. It symbolizes America using Colombia. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Annexation of Hawwaii

The issue of this political cartoon is the Annexation of Hawaii. The Annexation of Hawaii is when America took Hawaii by force. Missionaries went to Hawaii to spread Democracy and Christianity when they saw all the wonderful resources and raw materials they had. America overthrew the queen of Hawaii and took control. A couple months later, Hawaii asked to be annexed to America. The cartoonist message is that is that America, or Uncle Sam, would not stop until he gets what he wanted. He wanted Hawaii, which is also known in the political cartoon as a Filipino. One technique used in the political cartoon is exaggeration. in this cartoon it shows Uncle Sam running after a Filipino. In real life, it is actually America running and capturing Hawaii. The other technique used s symbolism. Uncle Sam symbolizes America and he Filipino symbolizes Hawaii.

The open Door Policy

The issue of this political cartoon is the Open Door Policy. The Open Door Policy is when America stopped all trade with any other country. In the cartoon, it shows that America is not letting any other foreigners come to China. it shows Uncle Sam standing at Chinas border and guarding it. That technique is labeling. Another technique is irony. America is not letting any other country or, in this case the Russians, pass through. It shows irony because America is letting themselves in while saying forming monopolies with other countries is bad. this cartoon does not support imperialism.

•This political cartoon is about the purchase of Alaska. The purchase of Alaska is when Russia was selling Alaska and William Seward bought it for 7.2 million dollars. People of America thought it was a waste of money because they didn't know about all the resources it had.The issue is that no one thought that Alaska was a good territory and it was just a waste of money. The cartoonist message on this is now Alaska is known for all it resources but then they didn’t really think of it like that back then. The cartoonist used exaggeration in the cartoon. The ship is basically pulling Alaska to America but that is not possible. Also the man’s head is really big. 

•This political cartoon is about the purchase of Alaska. The purchase of Alaska is when America bought Alaska from Russia and people thought it was a waste of money. The issue of this political cartoon is that people viewed Alaska differently. They thought it was a waste of money. In the cartoon it looked like they were taking a block of ice to America. That is how people in America viewed Alaska. A strategy that the cartoonist used is labeling. They labeled the block of ice as Alaska and the wagon that was carrying the block of ice as treaty. There was also symbolism. The block of ice symbolized Alaska and how they were taking it from Russia.